PM requests Bohras help for investment conference in Mumbai

Prime Minister, Ranil Wickremesinghe has asked Syedna Aaliqadr Mufaddal Saifuddin, the 53rd Dai-Al-Mutlaq and current leader of the Dawoodi Bohra community, to help the Sri Lankan government hold an international investment conference in Mumbai in September this year.

The Premier made this request to the Spiritual Leader, who was on a visit to the island country, when he called on him in Colombo on Monday.

Saifuddin assured his fullest support to the Prime Minister and his government.

The Dawoodi Bohras, a global community of Shia Muslims whose spiritual center is in Mumbai, are a thriving business community.

Wickremesinghe described Bohras as a business community which “minds its business” and lives in peace and harmony with other communities in Sri Lanka and elsewhere in the world.

“You have played a significant role in the economic development of Sri Lanka,” the Prime Minister said.

On his part, Saifuddin pledged the community’s support to Sri Lanka’s development, and wished the Prime Minister continued success in serving the people of the island nation for many more years to come.

The meeting between the Prime Minister and the Spiritual Leader was meant to mark the 70th year of Sri Lanka’s independence and the 40th year of the Prime Minister’s political life.

Sri Lankan Bohra Community officials who were present at the meeting told the Prime Minister about the local community’s desire to hold the next ‘Moharram’ in Colombo on a massive scale with 40,000 to 50,000 participants from abroad and sought the government’s help to organize it. The Prime Minister said that he would “certainly” extend all help.

The Syedna also told the Prime Minister of his community’s desire to work for the development of war-devastated Jaffna and the Northern Province which had a strong resident Bohra community before the war started.

Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin has visited Jaffna three times and has helped renovate the Bohra mosque on Hospital Road in Jaffna. He is keen that the Bohra community should go back and endeavor to re-start or start new businesses and entrepreneurial activities there.

The Prime Minister welcomed the idea of increasing investments in Jaffna. He also thanked the Spiritual Leader for visiting the island country.