Dr. Coomaraswamy corrects Gammanpila

With reference to MP Udaya Gammanpila’s allegations that Central Bank Governor Dr. Indrajit Coomaraswamy had purchased a property in London through laundering money, the latter issued the following statement:

The property which Hon Gammanpila referred to in Parliament is an apartment block within which my family and I occupied one flat. This particular flat was rented at the time I served the Commonwealth Secretariat over a period of 19 years. The generous rent allowance provided to me as a diplomatic grade officer went a long way towards paying this rent.

On completing my stint at the Commonwealth Secretariat I did purchase a flat in London out of my own savings mobilised over close to 20 years of employment in the United Kingdom. I am entitled to own property in London as a dual Sri Lankan/British citizen.

This property has been included in the declaration of assets and liabilities which I have submitted on two occasions since my appointment on 4 July 2016.

I have not illegally remitted money in or out of the country. The allegation of money laundering is slanderous and preposterous.